AGICO will attend 17th Addis CHamber Internation Trade Fair in Feb.21-27,2013. Welcome to visit our booth and we will provide full service for you.

Concrete information of ACITF:

Exhibition: 17th Addis Chamber International Trade Fair
Booth NO.: RUB Hall 2- B2
Date: Feb.21-27,2013
Contact person: Mr. Evan, Ms. Hemmy
detailed information about ACITF

AGICO in this ACITF  will exihibit oil mill plant, various kinds of oil expeller like intigrated oil expeller, sesame oil press, large scale oil press, small oil refinery, flour mill machinery, grain cleaning equipments, complete feed pellet plant and feed mill equipments. Welcome to consult more information in our booth. Our Booth No. RUB Hall 2- B2. Our staff will solve your problems about oil pressing line, complete feed pellet plant and flour mill machinery.

Wheat and Corn Flour Mill Machinery
wheat and corn flour mill machinery

Grain Cleaning Equipments
different grains cleaning equipments

Oil Pressing Line
oil pressing line

Various Kinds of Oil Expellers
various kinds of oil expellers

Complete Feed Pellet Plant
complete feed pellet plant

Welcome to business negotiation, if you are willing to start or enlarge business in oil pressing line, flour mill and feed pellet plant. We will provide professional technical guide and full service turnkey project for you. Our booth No. RUB Hall 2- B2. Also, you can visit our website to send us email or ring us.
Get in touch now!