expeller pressing
Expeller pressing, also called oil pressing, oil press expeller, extracted oil from raw materials with high pressure in a mechanical way. The typical raw materials of edible oils are mainly nuts and seeds. Expeller pressings are usually used in small factories.The expeller pressing is a screw-type oil pressing machine. It presses oil seeds through a caged barrel-like cavity. Raw materials are put in one side of the press and waste products exit the other side. Expeller pressing machine uses friction and continuous pressure from the screw drives to move and compress the raw material. The oil seeps through small holes that the residue of raw materials cannot pass through. Generally speaking, the capacities of expeller pressings vary from 0.8 ton per day to 20 tons per day. You can decide your desirable capacity and sets of oil pressing machines based on your own willing and needs.

If you live in an area, where oil crops are rich and cheap, but cooking oil is very expensive, there is no better idea than bringing in expeller pressings to produce healthy cooking oil. As we all know, illegal cooking oil and other edible oil problems worry people all over the world. Therefore, here comes a good chance for other new-start oil brands and business.
With rich oil crops and an expeller pressing, all you need to do next is to make sure that your oil raw materials are healthy, and that your oil making environment and process are sanitary. And the important thing is to make sure the above happen from beginning to the end in your oil production. Then, people can rest assured on the quality of cooking oil you made, and your oil business would be better and better. You could be sure that you are going to make a great sum of money! Therefore, after your careful consideration, buy an expeller pressing machine. Please no hesitation, just take action!
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